Sunday, July 19, 2009
And The Winner Is.......

Monday, July 13, 2009
I'm Sooooooo Excited

Saturday, July 11, 2009
A Needle Case and a Pincushion
I will have family here visiting for a couple of weeks and then I'm heading to California to visit my oldest daughter and her girls and to go to the second annual International Quilt Festival that's going to be held in Long Beach;)

This is the logo from last year.
I participated in a pincushion swap last month.
This is what I used to make the pincushion for my swapee...
I did a little quilting...
can you see it???
Right there in the center...
on the orange...
...added a little homemade piping...
...and this is how it turned out...
...a view from the side...
Now, in the world of pincushions, this one would be considered an extra large pincushion. Maybe even XXL!!! Ya know the kind that won't ever get lost??? If you spread your fingers out as far as you can and measure from your thumb to your pinky...you'll get the idea...like I said, XXL;)
I mailed it off to Jantine, in the Netherlands, along with a quilt magazine, embroidery floss, a pretty pink fat quarter, and a spool of variegated pink thread.
She has posted pictures on her blog;)
Stop by and pay her a visit. You'll be happy you did;)
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend filled with TOST;)
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Pincushions/Placemats/Block Swap/and a WIN
The color here is really bad
The one above is the inside pic and the one below is the outside pic
The colors here are a little closer, but the picture is a bit fuzzy
My swap partner doesn't know who I am, so I'm not too worried that she will see it before her package gets to her home...far, far away over the ocean (Atlantic). I hope she will like it;)
My package came from Erin. Erin lives in Malaysia;)
Just look at all of the goodies she sent me...
How lucky am I;)
Erin, thanks sooooooo much for the pin cushions, ribbon, thread, buttons, and the fabric;) I'm sure that I will have lots of fun with all of them;)
I hope that you all have a great week with TOST
(Tons Of Sewing Time)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Hopping We Will Go
Now for the good stuff...
You all know of the plethora of ideas you get when you enter a quilt shop...well, multiply that times 15 and that's what's been swimming around in my head for the past few days;)
One of the shops that we went to is called Piper's. Piper's had a lot of quilts hanging outside and while I was trying to get a few pictures of them, I saw a lady that I thought I recognized...
It was Kim from Bitty Bits & Pieces
Once inside, I also ran into Nedra from Cactus Needle
Both of these ladies have awesome blogs filled with all kinds of fun things and information. Take a few minutes to check out their blogs. You won't be disappointed;)
My daughter took this picture of Nedra, me, and Kim (and my grandson's hands)
And now because I like to include pictures of flowers in my posts here's one of the Hollyhocks that Piper's grows outside their shop. They even sell the seeds in the Fall.
I hope your week is going well;)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
RAIN, Rain...
Sunday, June 07, 2009
See What I Did This Week...
...these 3 pictures are the first 2 strips to my quilt minus 1 square on each strip...lost those in the photo shoot (where are my photographer daughters when I need them??? Hmmmm could it be that one of them lives in California and the other one lives in Minnesota and I don't live in either one of those states...). When this quilt is finished it will be 10 blocks by 10 blocks plus sashing and borders. The blocks are 6" finished and the sashing is 1" finished, but I'm not sure how I'm going to do the borders yet, so I don't know just what the finished size will be. I have all of my blocks made and some of the sashing cut...yet another LIW (Lady In Waiting) to add to my list;)
Any guesses on just what it might be???
The pink fabric under the striped fabric is the 'wrong side' so it doesn't give the true shade of pink. It does have more blue in it than the stripe, but I think it will work out just fine...at least I hope so;)
ones I posted about in my last post...
We'll find out this month if my youngest daughter is having a girl or a boy, and next month we'll find out what my middle daughter is having;)
These are my strips of fabric all sewn together, cut into squares and ready to go for the next step in the mystery quilt I'm making along with Dana and hundreds, yes hundreds, of others over at Old Red Barn
Tomorrow Dana will reveal just exactly how all of these squares are supposed to go together. Can't wait for that;)
And last, but not least...
This is a picture of a friend of mine from work. We had a baby shower for her on Thursday. I made her a little quilt and had Leslie
make a pair of matching baby shoes. Can you see them there in Debbie's left hand?? They are so tiny and adorable;) They stole the show and got lots of Oooooooo's and Aaaaahhhhhh's;)
I hope that you all have a wonderful and productive week;)
Happy Sewing;)